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A Timeline of Galloway Days

1969      Galloway Days was started by the Franzen Beavers 4-H Club by Mary Firkus, General Leader and Pat Stroik, Assistant Leader to promote June Dairy Days. A parade was held with 23 entries, free ice cream and milk was given away on the grounds along with an antique show in the Town Hall. Softball games were played just for fun.

1970's   Galloway Days became very popular. A charcoal chicken dinner or a brunch of some sort (always including free cheese and/or milk) was usually held at the church to start the day.

To celebrate the 10th Anniversary in 1979, the day was started with a Polka mass and a free lunch for everyone. This included crackers with cheese slices, milk and coffee. The 4-H members put on a skit during lunch.

1984     The area Jaycee's joined to raise money and was part of planning and helping with organizing the Galloway Dairy Days along with the Franzen Beavers 4-H Club.

1989     The Jaycee's dissolved and was no longer a part of our community activities. Because we were unable to get enough interest to carry out this event, we asked the Ladies' and Men's Societies from the St. Joseph's Parish to join us and share the profits. The three participating groups were the St. Joseph's Men's Society, The Ladies Society, and the Galloway Community members (G.R.P.C.).

1990's   The Town of Franzen purchased the Galloway School house. At this time the Franzen taxpayers were unable to decide what to do with the building and area members including other townships besides Franzen, formed the Galloway Recreation Planning Commission. They are not commissioned by the town board. but have a good working relationship and have succeeded in accomplishing many projects at no expense to the taxpayers such as remodeling the town hall room and the old gym into the Community Center Hall with a bar and a fully equipped kitchen. The committee also installed lights on the softball diamond along with new dugouts, landscaping, and children's playground.

 This facility is rented out for various celebrations by the community (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, first communions, etc.). For three years the St. Joseph's Society sponsored a Father/Daughter dance in February.

1993     Franzen Beavers 4-H General Leaders: Bill and Sue Konkel. Franzen Beavers 4-H Club later dissolved in 1998.

2000     In 2000 the biggest project to date was completed - a 30' by 100' outdoor shelter. The above projects were accomplished with volunteer labor and donations from area businesses and residents.

Due to the cost of the outdoor shelter, it was decided to give all proceeds to the Galloway Recreation Planning Commission to help pay for the shelter and should be accomplished in the next few years. Up until this year all three groups shared the profits of Galloway Days.

2002      33 years later the format is much the same but on a little bit larger scale;  parade on Sunday, ball games (which went from a couple of games playing for fun on Sunday to the old timers joining in to one of the largest three day softball tournaments in the area along with volleyball and horseshoe tournaments), music (the first year being a dance held in a local ballroom to a night of dancing on Saturday followed by a Polka band Sunday afternoon now held in our new outdoor shelter), food and refreshments (from lemonade and hotdogs to a full service food stand that starts Friday night including a charcoal chicken dinner on Sunday along with a snack stand outside with all the kids favorites - cotton candy, nachos, etc.), and of course free ice cream (the only change being from hand dipped ice cream cones to a variety of ice cream bars and sandwiches). (Franzen Beavers 4-H General Leaders: Mary Firkus, Pat Stroik, Emerick Zoromski, David Ashenbrenner)

2009      We still give out free icecream  and also incorporated Kids’ Games!

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