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It's where my story begins

----Source: History of Marathon County Wisconsin and Representative Citizens, by Louis Marchetti, 1913, pg. 577.


----Township of Franzen, Marathon Co., Wisconsin 1913 History




This town was set off from the town of Eldron in the year 1901. It consists of township 26, range 10 east, and elected A. J. Torgerson as its first chairman in the spring of the same year. A large saw mill was operated until the year 1911 when it shut down for need of pine timber supply. The town is divided in three school districts, each with a good school.


There are no churches in that town as yet, the population worshipping in the churches of the neighboring town, at Bevent and in Elderon, in the town of Pine Lake mainly. It is only a few years that this town has been opened to settlement by the building of roads, and in a few more years it will become as largely settled as any other town. It is very sparsely settled now, the land being thickly covered with timber owned by outside parties. The settlers in this town are mostly Scandinavians.

For many years, this building served as the Galloway School for many of our local residents.  Once the school had closed it's doors due to the expansion at Wittenberg School, the building sat vacant. In the mid 90's the Town of Franzen purchased the Galloway School House. Unsure of what to do with it; the taxpayers formed the Galloway Recreation & Planning Committee to use the facility for the Town of Franzen Board Room and to offer the community a place to Celebrate their accomplishments. It was a perfect place that offered a Hall, bar and a fully equipped kitchen.


To this day the Galloway Planning & Recreation Committee still provides improvements to the Facility, Park and Ballfield. 

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